Make your own Joke College Degree

Make your own Joke College Degree

Like to have a college degree but just can't find the time to do all that study?
Well who wouldn't?

Did you know that people are given college degrees just because they are famous?
Well, that hardly seems fair … does it?

According to the BBC "The University of St Andrews made Bob Dylan a Doctor of Music. Dylan has only ever accepted one other honorary degree - from Princeton University in 1970."

It's time that we could all get a degree. Now you can!

In less than 5 minutes you could be printing your new degree.

You don't need to pay until the very last step, so feel free to have a go and see how it all works.

If you are looking for a Real Online Degree read this … Online Degrees

Click here to make a Joke College Degree
N.B. Our docs are NOT of any use for fraud or criminal deception!

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