No 1 for Fake Documents

No 1 for Fake Documents

Need a document at a far-away archive As of this morning, is facilitating document requests at any repository in the US.

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Using produced through a fight, the report describes how foreign govts & their controlled entities, including a top adversary, interacted w/ businesses while he was . They paid millions to the Trump Intl Hotel in Washington, DC Trump Intl Hotel in Las Vegas Trump Tower on Fifth Ave in NY & Trump World Tower at 845 United Nations Plaza in NY.


linked to associates of made public
Many of the names are people who had been publicly identified as Epstein associates prior to this unsealing

Imagine waking up to find all your #DigitalLife held #hostage. Your personal #photos, important #documents, even your #business's critical #data - all locked away. This isn't dystopian fiction it's the harsh reality of #ransomware attacks, a growing yet silent cyber-threat.
Cybercriminals often operate across borders, exploiting legal loopholes and jurisdictional complexities. Without robust international cyber laws, tracking and prosecuting these offenders remains a herculean task. The #digital realm evolves at lightning speed, while #legislative processes crawl. By the time a #law is enacted, new forms of #CyberThreats have already emerged, rendering the laws outdated. Ransomware attackers demand payments in #cryptocurrencies, making transactions nearly untraceable. Current financial regulations are ill-equipped to handle the #anonymity provided by these digital currencies.
It's time to wake up to the reality of ransomware. We need laws that are as dynamic and interconnected as the digital world they aim to protect. Our call to action is clear:
- Strengthen international #cybercrime laws.
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Spread the word. Share this post. Engage in discussions. The more awareness we build, the louder our collective voice becomes in demanding change. Let's make our digital world a safer place for everyone. Because when it comes to cyber security, we're all in this together.
#RansomwareAwareness #CyberSecurity #DigitalLaws #GlobalAction

Prince Andrew Prepares to Face New Jeffrey Epstein Allegations

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Border guards confirmed they may require documents from men, especially those with many children, due to increased cases of document forgery. This comes after reports of Ukrainian men, including disabled individuals and those with many children, being stopped from traveling abroad without a certificate from the military commissariat.

American Identity in Crisis

Spread the Vote + Project ID founder Kat Calvin chronicled her work to help Americans without obtain the necessary they need to live, work, and .

A document prepared by various Singapore organizations to guide action to preserve the Critically Endangered Straw-headed Bulbul (Pycnonotus zeylanicus).

"This body of work by the SHBWG Straw-headed Bulbul Working Group will guide local conservation actions in the years ahead that will benefit both the Straw-headed Bulbul and other local biodiversity."

PDF link:

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in Case Sets Key Deadline.

Im coming here today to ask if any of you have tried this service to sign documents. Supposed to be its open source.

Base de donnes Archim

Portail internet des Archives nationales: Consultation guide - Sries, collections et dossiers documentaires

Via Anna Bower: 1/...

Judge partially grants special counsels request for a written jury questionnaire in s classified case.

These are important for your :
"When the Government gives you stuff"

as good as always and this time with a topic: keeping so that you can re-find them later.

Did you know there are 2 modes in that you can use They're called Word Processing and Page Layout. But which one are you using and what should you be using for your It's Word Processing vs. Page Layout mode explained!

Apparently, thinks his personal is doing too much content moderation.

Leaked reveal that has instructed its moderators not to users who send messages and images to other users.

Unbelievable. Donald Trump is Russias highest-placed agent. Gifted link, The New York Times: Material From Russia Investigation Went Missing as Trump Left Office
A binder given to the Trump White House contained details that intelligence agencies believe could reveal secret sources and methods.

So, the binder containing "highly classified information related to on behalf of Trump, went missing at the end of Trumps presidency, raising alarms among intel officials," sources tell.

The binder was not among the items found in last years search of Trumps Mar-a-Lago resort, per a US official, who said the was not looking specifically for intel related to Russia when it obtained a search warrant to recover and from the criminal suspects' residence last year.

In testimony Cassidy Hutchinson said (one binder) had been kept in Mark Meadows safe and that she saw him leave w/it from the WH. I am almost positive it went home with Mr. Meadows,' Hutchinson told the Jan 6 committee, according to transcripts released last year."

The record reflects "the disgraced ex president's administration was nothing more than a vast international crime syndicate"

 Highly Classified Information Related to Russian Election Interference Has Gone Missing
Under the care of then-White House chief of staff and now criminally indicted, Mark Meadows, a binder containing highly classified information related to Russian election interference has gone missing. The binder contained raw

*Deep In A Hole, Rudy Giuliani Just Keeps On Digging*

David Kurtz

Prefilling signer details before sending a document for signature with BoldSign API.

Says Not Entitled to Requested, Pushes for March 4 Date.

The Office of the Historian at the U.S. Department of State has released the latest volume in the Foreign Relations of the United States series:

The volume covers Eastern Europe during the Reagan Administration (1981-1988), and may be of particular interest to scholars of the .


Congratulations to my colleagues in the Office of the Historian at the U.S. Department of State for the publication of the newest FRUS volume, on U.S. policy towards Eastern Europe, 1981-1988:

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A in the livestock industry plays a crucial role in ensuring accurate across barriers. They , , and , ensuring is precise."

I'd like very much apply, but even though I'm good , I got no clue how to translate breeding and health. Documents, I can manage.

at for requires important : Heres a

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How to Send eSignature Request with your Custom Signing Link.

I'm curious what options exist to AWS Textract () b/c I don't want to support apartheid. The Python version isn't parsing PDF files and this is a known issue. Was looking at it for a hypothetical document management idea.

The Israeli occupation destroys the central archive of municipality, executing thousands of historical documents, and deliberately razing all life forms erasing the city and its . It is worth noting that the archive holds more than a hundred years old.

It's to read & understand the - if you haven't already read it all. One of the biggest govt in modern history. Palestinians were denied peace negotiations & it was deliberate.

(The Papers include about the between the Palestine Liberation Organization () and the government of that took place intermittently between 1999 and 2010.)

Oh, please settle on anything but GitHub! GitHub at the center of the scheme is harmful. We still have txt2tags, RST, CommonMark, Pandoc, GLFM, groff, SISU, LOUT, AFT, UDO and other plaintext document preparation systems that are not tied to a commercial monopolist.

Some mathematical papers cannot be done expediently with Markdown. Some large and complex equations require LaTeX to guarantee output rendering accuracy. This would require Markdown documents with many LaTeX blocks anyway. So one might as well just use LaTeX for the whole document.

Other these objections I agree with your sentiment. In my realm soft-wrapped plaintext is still King and markdown is Queen.

The person who suggested government documents be released as repositories is spot on. I also think that all court transcripts, rulings, opinions, and judgments should be published as digitally-signed, open document repositories instead of hidden behind the privately-owned PACER paywall.

Bill to address PACER grift:

The PACER system is not keeping pace with reality or technology.

I believe this bill improves access to justice by eliminating the PACER paywall.

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La 5e dition du livre de rfrence "Le Mtier de documentaliste" (Jean-Philippe Accart, ditions du Cercle de la Librairie, 2023) est maintenant disponible la Grande Bibliothque.

*Ex-DC Chief Judge Warns Of Creeping Authoritarianism*

David Kurtz

Do tell.

One of 's current attorneys told 's team that, within days of DOJ issuing a subpoena last year for all classified at Mar-a-Lago, she "very clearly" warned Trump that if he failed to fully comply -- but then swore he did -- "it's going to be a crime..

Sources said the lawyer, Jennifer Little, told investigators Trump "absolutely" understood the warning

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has called for the to hand over for an , and the could place a on the organizations . The brought substantial surrounding property for the

How could reveal of thousands of from to

N.B. Our docs are NOT of any use for fraud or criminal deception!

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