No 1 for Fake Documents

No 1 for Fake Documents

It may not make a difference, but it certainly won't if we don't try. Follow the instructions in this video and file a against

1984 Raise Your Hands

This is a colorful and humorous painting depicting a group of cartoon-like people.
At the center, there's a character waving a flag with both hands raised in the air.
Surrounding this figure are multiple other characters that are also raising their hands.
They seem to be part of an organized event or demonstration, as suggested by their attire and the presence of books and documents.
The scene is set against a backdrop of a clear blue sky.


As Trumps classified docs prosecution goes forward, now with no pretense of trial before the election, Judge Cannon appears poised to permit him to use public hearings in the case to sound his campaign themes. ...

GlennKirschner: Judge Aileen Cannon's Bias Is Showing.

A step-by-step guide on how every concerned American can file a judicial misconduct complaint form with the of Appeals to insist that be removed form the case and a fair, impartial, and independent judge be assigned Trump's federal case in

Roger Parloff did a on trial. Sigh.

As Trumps classified docs prosecution goes forward, now w no pretense of trial before the election, Judge appears poised to permit him to use pub hearings in the case to sound his campaign themes. 1/


Well, this nails it is in bed with . July 22 my ass.


Via Kyle Cheney: 1/...

: Judge has indefinitely postponed Donald 's trial date in Florida.

It may be months before we know the new schedule.

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Via Katie Phang:

NEW: Judge enters an Order temporarily staying the requirement for to have to file his CIPA Section 5 notice in the MAL classified case.

Sec. 5 requires Trump to disclose to the Government the classified materials he intends on using at trial.

I need to edit on my phone. Any good suites for

reportedly ordered to from in (gender ideology) crackdown.

In a statement commending the recent , Atkins told that the increase in for was built on a of .

The first paper in the session was Ochoa et al.'s "SealClub: Computer-aided Paper Document Authentication", which proposes a novel approach to paper by taking short videos of them with . () 2/5


Via Kyle Griffin:

Newly unsealed filings:

A associate told the FBI of advising Trump to return classified to the National Archives nearly a year before agents searched Mar-a-Lago.

The associate said to Trump: "Whatever you have, give everything back. Let them come here and get everything. Don't give them a noble reason to indict you, because they will."

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Via K Cheney:

Wild stuff in unsealed (heavily redacted) FBI intrvw from high-level -wrld person related to investig
Ex: witness afraid to have interview recorded..fear of reprisal...appears 2 b..attempt to leverage Trump fam mmbers to push him to return classif docs
Won't take long to crowdsource IDs of many redacted from these docs. Prty easy to decipher # of them to high degree of cert which spks to why wanted more signif redactions/sealing

Upcoming will not count .

rampant , .

has rolled out new of service on April 15 that remove a user's ability to sue the by forcing everyone into a forced arbitration .

These types of are usually secretly inserted into right before a company does something extremely shady.

According to , there's a way to opt-out:


Chiudiamo la settimana lavorativa in gloria!
Io termina le septimana de travalio in gloria! ()
Let's finish the working week gloriously!

Special Counsel Jack Smith is shoving back in the Mar a Lago criminal case, and telling federal judge Cannon enough is enough about Trump pointing to his NY trial as a basis for delay, in a new filing.

Slightly off topic, via Press:

Docket(s) - meanwhile, in the / case this afternoon, another sealed filing...

This is not a "hush money" case. In April 2023 the charged with 34 for follow the first against a U.S. with this timeline, and other resources. Stop downplaying the criminality of this case - it is financial fraud - if you or I perpetrated these acts we would have been tried and imprisoned already. lies

Small part of a thread by Daniel Barnes:

After roughly 2 hours of argument, Judge seems unlikely to grant motions from Carlos De Oliveira and Walt Nauta to dismiss some or all of the charges against them in 's classified case.... ... ...

What wasn't discussed today Anything about future timing in the case and when we might get a new trial date.

Via Jose Pagliery:

Donald 's Mar-a-Lago classified team keeps looking more like the one that defended him at his NY bank fraud trial.

The new guy is a hopeful FL GOP politician who failed to convince Judge Engoron that Trump's financial statements & appraisals could disagree but coexist.

CNN: Trump attorney, Evan Corcoran, who became a crucial witness against him has departed legal team By Kaitlan Collins

Trump is going to prison.

how and failed to file for 5 years

Yet claims have caused the "" of "."

with against after repeatedly using a while to them.

The victims and the perpetrator are , according to .

Cannons gotta go.

Via Kyle Griffin:

Breaking on MSNBC:

Judge Aileen has partially granted special counsel 's motion to redact the names of government witnesses in the classified case.

But Cannon won't make it easy: Smith will still have to justify to the court each name redaction.

And two days after that article was published, Bornstein later told NBC News, a White House official and two others conducted a raid on his office to obtain the presidents medical records, which he said made him feel raped, frightened and sad. The White House responded at the time that it was standard operating procedure to obtain the documents and denied that it was a raid.

seems takes *some* official seriously.

It should also be noted that the (PRA) is a .

The PRA is from Title 44 of the Code (USC) which has to do w/the role of public printing & .

The is Chpt 22 of 44 USC & has 9 sections: 2201-2209

Judge Training Wheels used the word "unjust" toward prosecutors
Jack Smith is being "unfair" to her
Stop, you're killing me

via Anna Bower:

JUST IN: Judge DENIES s motion to dismiss the classified case based on the presidential records act.

In the same order, Judge Cannon also denies the special counse s request for a prompt ruling on jury instructions prior to trial.

She calls the special counsel's request "unprecedented and unjust."

Trump special counsel fires back at Cannon order that could disrupt case

Special counsel warned the judge overseeing Donald Trumps case that
she is pursuing a legal premise that is wrong
and said he would probably to a higher court if she rules that a federal records law can protect the former president from prosecution.
In a near-midnight legal filing, Smiths office pushed back hard against an unusual instruction from U.S. District Judge M.
one that veteran national security lawyers and former judges have said badly misinterprets the Presidential Records Act and laws related to classified documents.
Smiths filing represents the most stark and high-stakes confrontation yet between the judge and the prosecutor,
illustrating the extent to which a ruling by Cannon that legitimizes the as a defense could eviscerate the historic case.

It sets up the possibility that a government appeal of such a ruling could delay the trial well beyond Novembers presidential election, in which Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee.

In an open display of frustration, federal prosecutors on Tuesday night told the judge overseeing s classified case that a fundamentally flawed order she had issued was causing delays & asked her to quickly resolve a critical dispute about 1 of Trumps defenses leaving them time to appeal if needed.

The unusual & risky move by the prosecutors, contained in a 24-pg filing, signaled their mounting impatience w Judge

Gift link

Great piece on better writing, by Anil Dash


Via Roger Parloff:

Undocketed filings in US v (M-a-L) are stacking up. Yesterday the govt sought permission to file a surreply relating to a reply that isn't docketed yet, which related to a response that isn't docketed yet, which related to a motion that isn't docketed yet.

One advantage Huawei had was the backing of its government.

US and European observers say China packs standards meetings with engineers who can be eyes and ears on the ground.

Rivals also complain that Chinese companies work together in lockstep even ostensible competitors will set aside differences to support a compatriot business.

For a brief moment in the middle of 2016, it looked as if that national wall of support wouldn't hold.

In a preliminary round of the 5G New Radio standards process, the Chinese company expressed its preference for LDPC, because it was a more familiar technology.

That didn't last long.
Lenovo changed its opinion later that year.

Lenovo's founder, Liu Chuanzhi, called Ren Zhengfei to make sure that no offense was taken by the original stance.
Liu and other executives even drafted an open letter that read like a forced confession.

We all agree that Chinese enterprises should be united and not be provoked by outsiders, Liu and his colleagues wrote. Stick to it raise the banner of national industry, and finally defeat the international giants.

Thus united behind polar codes, Chinese industry prepared to do battle at the final, critical stage
the November 2016 engineering standards meetings held in Reno, Nevada.

The venue was the Peppermill resort and casino. Engineers, hunkered in hotel conference rooms arguing about block codes and channel capacity, had little time to enjoy the craps tables or eucalyptus steam rooms.

Simultaneous meetings to determine a number of standards kept engineers hopping from one conference room to the next, says Michael Thelander, a consultant specializing in wireless telecommunications.

But polar coding versus LDPC, that was the hot topic, he says.

On the night of Friday, November 18, the conference room was packed, and the meeting, which began in the evening, turned into a standoff.

Each company presented its work, including its testing results.

The battle was pretty well drawn, with most of the Western vendors lining up behind LDPC, says Kevin Krewell, a principal analyst at Tirias Research, who follows 5G.

Some Western companies backed polar codes too, but, significantly, all the Chinese companies did.

There was no obvious winner in the whole game, but it was very clear that Huawei was not going to back down, says Thelander, who was on the scene as an observer.

Neither would the LDPC side. So we can sit there and spend six months fighting over this thing and delay 5G, or we compromise.

So they did.
The standards committee split the signal-processing standard into two parts.

One technology could be used to send the .

The other would be applied to what was known as the , which manages how that data moves.

The first function was assigned to LDPC, and the second to polar codes.

It was well into the wee hours when the agreement was finalized.

Huawei was ecstatic.
But it was not just Huawei's win it was China's too.
Finally, a Chinese company was getting respect commensurate with its increasingly dominant power in the marketplace.

Huawei-backed polar code entering the 5G standard has a symbolic meaning, one observer told a reporter at the time.

This is the first time a Chinese company has entered a telecommunications framework agreement, winning the right to be heard.

Qualcomm professes to be fine with the result.
It was very important for Huawei to get something, says its CEO, Steve Mollenkopf.

Huawei is actually quite good. They are a formidable company. And I think that's one thing that people need to acknowledge.

Reaching consensus on the parts of a mobile platform is complicated. Decisions have to be made about dozens of specifications for transmission speeds, radio frequencies, security architecture, and the like.

To make that happen, engineers gather in a series of meetings every year to choose which new technologies will be deemed in the next generation.

The stakes are high: The companies that provide the fundamental technology for 5G will be embedded in a global communications system for years to come.

So in the background are financial, nationalistic, and even geopolitical considerations.

From the year 2001 to the presentthree administrationsnot enough attention has been paid to this, says , a former Federal Communications Commission chair during the Clinton administration.

Hundt is one of a number of current and former officials alarmed that the United States has no equivalent to Huawei
that is, a major telecommunications company that both develops next-generation technology and builds it into equipment.

In Europe, they have an Ericsson.
In Japan, they have companies.

And in China, they have not just Huawei but also ZTE.

But Huawei is the one that covers the whole range of products.

All of this made Huawei's 5G standards bid an alarming prospect.

Huawei's IP and standards are the wedge they intend to use to pry open the Western computing world, Hundt says.

The body that develops 5G standards, the 3rd Generation Partnership Project ( ), is an international umbrella organization of various telecommunications groups.

In 2016, it made a key decision on what was called
the part that helped determine how data would be sent over 5G and how it would be checked for accuracy.

After spending millions, undergoing years of testing, and filing for multiple patents, Huawei was not going to pull punches at the critical juncture. It needed the certification of an official standard to cement its claim.

The problem was that reasonable people argued that other techniques would work just as well as polar codes to achieve error correction in the new framework.

Some suggested that a revamp of the current 4G protocol, turbo codes, would be sufficient.

Others, notably San Diego-based , which makes chipsets for mobile technology, liked a third option:
Robert Gallager's old idea, the one that had nearly reached the Shannon limit and had inspired Arkan on his own intellectual journey.

Since the early 1960s, when Gallager proposed LDPC, technology had improved and the cost of commercial production was no longer prohibitive.

Qualcomm's R&D team developed it for 5G.

Though Erdal Arkan did not know it at the time, his work would be squared off against that of his mentor in a competition that involved billions of dollars and an international clash of reputations.

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