No 1 for Fake Documents

No 1 for Fake Documents

, so if I ever were to any youve written, Id find your style choices to be excellent.


are notoriously difficult to understand, even for lawyers.
This raises the question: Why are these documents written in a style that makes them so

MIT cognitive scientists believe they have uncovered the answer to that question.
Just as magic spells use special rhymes and archaic terms to signal their power,
-- the convoluted language of legalese acts to convey a sense of , they conclude.

In a study appearing this week in the journal of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers found that even non-lawyers use this type of language when asked to write laws.

People seem to understand that theres an that this is how laws should sound, and they write them that way, says Edward Gibson, an MIT professor of brain and cognitive sciences and the senior author of the study.

How a brought closer to his .

's the that the longtime and embarked on after Steele's later-in-life .

Bonjour tous !

Existe-t-il une bibliothque de codes "Pandoc" pour convertir des documents en prenant en compte les images (qu'elles soient en ligne ou codes en base64), le CSS pour une pseudo-maquette, etc.

Je m'intresse particulirement la conversion HTML -> LaTeX.

Merci !

Le repouet rend le poil doux et soyeux !

De plus en plus de sites web, souvent des CMS, aliments par des contenus gnrs par IA gnratives et certaines devraient songer pratiquer des contrles d'alcoolmies.

Zanele Muholi Documents the Beauty of Queer Black SouthAfrica

Zanele Muholi discusses visual activism, gospel music and walking more than 15,000 steps in a day.

: Hide from

Hey. I'm stuck in an rabbit hole and would need some .

Tell me all about your from using to and .

Everything will be fully and once I start developing it. But it will feature heave editing of documents and information. And I want as much input as possible on that part.

"A s right to obtain and publish stolen is meaningless if they cant possess them. Its not the first time the government has come up with nonsensical ways to circumvent "

I'm enjoying my current so much! As a , I was asked to to make them easily understandable by nonhealth-care pros. I'm making knowledge & removing some stress for parents whose children need medical care.

. Les d pour dissimuler ses secrets d lis du

> Des indits rvlent comment Isral a touff des informations lies lentreprise prive de , qui a conu le logiciel espion . Rvlations de avec la cellule de Radio France.

Via Katie Phang:

JUST IN: 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has filed a Briefing Notice in 's classified case.

Special Counsel, , has to file his Initial Brief on or before August 27, 2024.

Trump then files his answer brief within 30 days after Smith served his Initial Brief. If Smith files a Reply Brief, that has to be done within 21 days of Trump's brief.

Where to see Text Control in the Second Half of 2024 (hint: ).

at the were instructed not to their on or address each other by name in the of , for fear of being later and charged with at the .

Whats in the , human rights , complete of , .

Google Docs is adding Markdown support (finally) , , , , , ,

///France archives///
Offrir tous un accs simplifi aux archives rfrences disperses sur tout le territoire franais.


"Special counsel Jack Smith appeals dismissal of Donald Trump's classified documents case"

Special counsel formally indicated on Wednesday that he is appealing Mondaysdecision to throw out the classified indictment against Donald .

Show HN: Horizon Private alternative to Imgur

If you borrow a book from a library, you show your card and the book is registered in a list of who borrowed it and when.

But we're told that there's no way to tell what and how many SECURE that took, when, if they were kept in a secure location and if they were EVER returned.

REAL librarians are better than whatever busted system that trump set up and took advantage of.

Heck, even the dated system of having to stamp into a tracking system on recipe sized cards was better.

Seems that's her twisted plan. They owe each other.

"Future Supreme Court justice"

"Allies of former President Trump hailed a federal judges ruling to dismiss the classified documents case against Trump"

Via Emptywheel:

For those asking, what next, on stolen docs, this is a good summary.

One key detail though: ordered everything since November 2022 unwound. So any investigative activity after that (eg, flipping Taveras or getting Evan Corcoran's testimony) would have to be redone.


A to the of .

are going after , their access to , , and .

Im gonna let legal experts weigh in on the merits of Cannons ruling, but a not insignificant number of people did warn that when Thomas wrote his screed in the case, someone would use it as precedent, and sure enough rules document case improperly filed because reasons, so she throwing out the entire case on a procedural issue. It is breathtaking. PDF of ruling below.

No justice. No peace.


We called it, didnt we. OMFG.

Meet the next SCOTUS nom from Trump, should he get in.

Via Kyle Cheney:

BREAKING: Judge Cannon has dismissed the case, citing violation of appointments clause.

Cannon has issued a 93-page opinion.

Data Piggybacking:

Apps can on legitimate transfers to send additional information. For example, an app might send data while uploading or .

Alexandra Coutle nous prsente , un outil de qui promet de transformer notre manire de rechercher des et des personnels. Imaginez un assistant virtuel qui vous aide naviguer dans vos propres documents, un peu comme un assistant personnalis qui ne rpond quen fonction des donnes que vous lui fournissez.

Source : La geek de service


Trumps Extortion, works on Grifting, Political Powers.

"Because copyright today covers virtually every sort of expression including , , , scraps of , and it would be impossible to train today's leading without using copyrighted materials," the company wrote in the evidence filing.

: Malicious actor Tail sells a database containing KYC Documents from the Consulting and Services Gigahub Solues de Negcios ( on hacking forum.

Paperless-ngx is an open-source document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive

Paperless-ngx is an open-source document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive

You can either scan or upload various document formats into Paperless-ngx.

It will organise and index your scanned documents with tags, correspondents, types, and more. Your data is stored locally on your server and is never transmitted or shared ...continues


Paperless-ngx is an open-source document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive
You can either scan or upload various document formats into Paperless-ngx.
It will organise and index your scanned documents with tags, correspondents, types, and more. Your data is stored locally on your server and is never transmitted or shared in any way. It performs OCR on your documents, adding searchable and selectable text, even to documents scanned with only images.
Documents are saved as PDF/A format which is designed for long term storage, alongside the unaltered originals. It uses machine-learning (see no AI) to automatically add tags, correspondents, and document types to your documents. Supports PDF documents, images, plain text files, Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and LibreOffice equivalents) and more.
I installed this using the Docker Compose script file. I did notice though for support of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and LibreOffice equivalents I needed to also install Tika and Gotenberg (added them to the Docker Compose file).
It is not just limited to documents, though, as it will also connect via IMAP to an e-mail server and organise and archive your e-mails.
I'm testing it out a bit now and finding it useful for scanning in my numerous receipts, as the OCR will help find what I'm looking for later. I'm thinking of doing a video about it in a few weeks to show what it does, and does not, do.

Paperless-ngx is a community-supported open-source document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive so you can keep, well, less paper. Paperless-ngx is the official successor to the original Paperless & Paperless-ng projects and is designed to distribute the responsibility of advancing and...

#technology #opensource #archiving #documents

Comment venir bout du casse-tte de la documentaire quand on fait de la recherche Grer une multitude de de relve souvent du parcours du combattant. Entre les PDF parpills, les notes dsordonnes et les citations retrouver, on perd vite le fil. essaye de rpondre cette problmatique et sen sort plutt bien. Voire trs bien.

Source :

Monica Lewinsky, who is not a politician and has nothing to lose, says the unconscionably the on treatment of in his possession in .

Via Klasfeld:

Good morning from Ft. Pierce, Fla.

Later this morning, Judge will hear the second part of s challenge of s constitutional authority to prosecute him this time, targeting the special counsels funding.

No electronic devices in court. Updates later.

Special counsel probed Mar-a-Lago trip that aides 'kept quiet' weeks before FBI search:

A trip to Mar-a-Lago taken by Trump that aides allegedly "kept quiet" just weeks before FBI agents searched the property for classified materials in his possession raised suspicions among special counsel 's team as a potential additional effort to obstruct the government's classified investigation..

Judge in Case Rejected Suggestions to Step Aside

Two federal judges in South privately urged Aileen M. to decline the case when it was assigned to her last year, according to two people briefed on the matter. She chose to keep it.

"Trump finally files crucial notice on use of classified material as part of Mar-a-Lago defense"

"While the notice itself contains no public specificity as to which document or documents obtained through discovery are involved its classified, after all the filing shows that Trump lawyers will, either pretrial and/or during trial, use classified material as part of their defense."

N.B. Our docs are NOT of any use for fraud or criminal deception!

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